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MSI Afterburner not showing On-Screen Display.

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Works fine in all my other games, plus bo3, but not Modern Warfare. I tried the latest version of Afterburner and the Beta. I use a i72600k, MSI 980Ti and you'll have to take Win7 from my cold dead hands OS. ; )

I search for answer, but no luck. All I can think of is trying different version of Afterburner and gpu drivers. : / or find something else to use to monitor. : (
There are ingame counters on MW. If you go to Options/General and scroll down to the bottom there's all the counters you could need ready to be activated..


Yeah I seen that thanks. I have fps, gpu heat, cpu time and gpu time showing. I wouldn't say that is all I need, but better then nothing, since I can't get anything else to work.
Yeah I seen that thanks. I have fps, gpu heat, cpu time and gpu time showing. I wouldn't say that is all I need, but better then nothing, since I can't get anything else to work.
I use the latency one to be able to spot bad servers to.

What are you missing?


I trouble shoot PCs, not networks. lol. So, I didn't check that one, but I could. I usually join friends games and look at ping.

The heat for the cpu isn't there, the cpu/gpu and ram usage doesn't show or there clock speed. I'm already OC and have to lower settings to get the fps up, so there's not much I can do anyways. The OSD would be been nice, but oh well.


No kidding, huh. I tried everything I could think of and found nothing searching. I even tried an older version of EVGA Precision, since the later version don't support Win7. Oh well, maybe one day it will just start working like magic.


As a Tech Reviewer - Youtuber I use Warzone to test my gaming systems. Why have you disabled this? a Game must allow to do this or provide all info inside. why has this been done?


PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
MSI Afterburner requires RivaTunerStatisticsServer to be setup to run with it, without that you won't get any onscreen metrics, it will just collect the data and graph it in the background.

I've not watched the video here, but it might help:

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