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Kicked from game while playing in party (PC) Error: BLZBNTBGS000003F8

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Hi Everyone,
I got Cold War on PC through Battle net the other day and everything was going fine until I played multiplayer with my brother. He's on xbox, im on pc, same house, same internet (Not an issue for other games). Often (Not always) but very often when i play Cold War with him, I get kicked from the match, and am asked to restart the game through the Battle net client. The error code it gives me is BLZBNTBGS000003F8 every time and says something along the lines of disconnected from the blizzard servers. My brother does not get kicked however. It also happens when playing with online friends in a party, but only when I'm in a party and it does not happen as much as it does when playing with the person on my Xbox
I already tried:
1. Allowing the app through the windows firewall (Didn't work)
2. Allowing the Battle net client through the windows firewall (Didn't work)
3. Switching Battle net servers (Didn't work)
I suspect it is a cross platform issue but then why is it happening when in a party with just pc players?

I hope someone can suggest a fix, and i hope the company fixes this issue.
This is very stressful and annoying as i paid $59 on both platforms, Blizzard, FIX THIS, PLEASE.
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