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Xbox Gamertag Thread

Xbox GT: SixBeers4Mutiny

I'm 36, I don't squeak, and I'm tired of playing on teams of people who go inactive during matches, play with guests that go 1-12, or idiots who want to stand in the window I'm trying to discretely snipe from. Anyhow, I just want a friends list full of active people who I can play with. I do have a Mic and I communicate as best as I can. My K/D is over 1.0, but would be better if I played with decent folks.

Add me :)
Oh I forgot, I play CoD WW2

Xbox GT: SixBeers4Mutiny

I'm 36, I don't squeak, and I'm tired of playing on teams of people who go inactive during matches, play with guests that go 1-12, or idiots who want to stand in the window I'm trying to discretely snipe from. Anyhow, I just want a friends list full of active people who I can play with. I do have a Mic and I communicate as best as I can. My K/D is over 1.0, but would be better if I played with decent folks.

Add me :)
Gt - RefleX Legendd
Age - 14
I usually play with groups of people, anyone with some degree of skill is welcome to join. Add/Message me on Xbox.

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If your good let us know, we are a Top GB 50’s clan in 09 and 2014 we have 12 people we need 4 more we ru n tournaments and we also have a Top #100 player , Run league play every sunday we will be top seeded this year HMU xmundayxchevyx Or activision xxVe7Vom
GT: FatedScythe777

just looking for a laid back clan that plays regularly. gaming is a release for me so I don’t have time for these competitive clans. I’m a family man just looking for players who have that little bit of extra time to play together.

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